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"You know the hardest thing for people to have faith in? It's themselves."


Cassady is originally from the Bay area of San Fransisco, where he frequently hung around with a group of fellow writers - Jess, Deborah, Silas, and Pauline. At some point, Cassady fell in love with Silas, who he describes as otherworldly and god-like.

Eventually, Silas and Pauline decided to settle down together and live a "normal" life, leaving Cassady heartbroken and furious. He left to travel the country as a way to help forget about them.

Interactions with the Player

Cassady can originally be found outside of Chicago, IL, and travels around in the Midwest region. Upon reaching Chapter 3 with him, he gives you a dusty, dried sunflower head that teleports you back to Chicago.

True Form

Cassady's true form is a humanoid figure with four arms, and storm clouds spilling out of his head, typing on a typewriter.


  • Cassady is named after Neal Cassady, a prolific figure of the Beat movement of the 50s.
