
"We spend our whole lives, livin' for the future, never realizin' that when it comes, we'll've been forgotten…"
As a child, August secretly bought books and would hide behind his father's chair to read them. The stories gave him a sense of freedom, allowing him to become whatever he wanted for a while. August's father disapproved of the books and even went so far as to tear them all up once he caught August reading them.
As a young man, he began seeing and eventually married a woman named Lousia. August stopped reading as much after they met. They lived together in a log cabin on Louisa's father's property. Eventually, they had a baby girl together.
When war broke out, August tried to join the army to fight. However, due to all the reading he did as a child, his eyesight wasn't good enough and he was rejected. The merchant marine accepted him instead. August enjoyed life on the sea, finally able to do and see more than books could ever show him. This would all come to an end when his ship was torpedoed. The blast killed most of his crewmates and destroyed his eyesight.
August returned back to his home, unable to work or read. He turned to heavy drinkining, eventually leading to Louisa and their daughter leaving him.